Hi, my name is Alexis. Owner and Operator of UnKempt Kurls. I love the less formal approach small businesses can take, so “Lex or Lexi” is just fine (lol). Without your continued support on YouTube and other social mediums, UnKempt Kurls would remain an idea in the back of my mind. With so many requests over the years, I have FINALLY decided to start my very own handmade wig and hair extension company.
I absolutely adore “All Things Hair”, regardless of length and texture. But, I would be lying if I didn’t admit my preference for textures inherited by people of color. Textures range from relaxed straight to afro kinky curly.
In most cases, our hair has the ability to defy gravity! The ability to look highly manicured & chic or wild with personality! The options are endless! And there you have it…..the very idea of UnKempt Kurls!
I want to THANK YOU once again for your continued support! I am dedicated to offering competitive prices and quality products. I consider you all my friends, so don’t hesitate to contact me with any comments, questions, or concerns.
YOUTUBE: @UnKempt_Kurls
INSTAGRAM: @UnKempt_Kurls
EMAIL: unkemptkurls@gmail.com